November brought some new interesting moments and outcomes in my life.
I think each month on this project is motivating in its own way and rich in events and various tasks. In December, I would like to be more involved in the projects the team is currently working on. Contribution to ongoing projects always brings a sense of need and a desire to move forward.To begin with, I was able to attend Physical Literacy forum for teachers, which was incredibly inspiring. Many physical literacy teachers came to Plovdiv from different parts of Bulgaria.
Furthermore, my collegue Geri and I were visiting several places in Sofia where we were interviewing the people for the Active Neighbourhoods project. It was a truly joy to meet these enthusiastic people and listen to their successful stories about the projects they worked on. Also, Geri is always so easy to communicate to because she is an incredibly positive and open-minded person 🙂

Anyway, I believe, such events and activities are essential for the constant development of the organization. That is why I am very satisfied with my work at BG Be Active.
Besides, we have our daily working routine at BG Be Active, which is also an important part of my volunteering experience. I work on monthly blogs, Instagram and twitter content, preparing articles, visiting places for the monthly check up, and some administrative work. All of these daily tasks retain us busy at work and keep our team spirit up.
It is true – teamwork brings us closer together!
Days full of beautiful new places, delicious national dishes, and unique beauties inspired me to strive for new heights. These days dipped me into wonderful memories of our past travels. This trip reminded me how beautiful our world is and how many interesting things remain outside of our worldview.
I am grateful for the opportunity to volunteer outside of my home country and explore such beautiful places!
Besides, we have our daily working routine at BG Be Active, which is also an important part of my volunteering experience. I work on monthly blogs, Instagram and twitter content, preparing articles, visiting places for the monthly check up, and some administrative work. All of these daily tasks retain us busy at work and keep our team spirit up.
It is true – teamwork brings us closer together!
Apart from my working life
I had the amazing opportunity to visit my lovely sister Natalia in Austria, where she also volunteers with the European Solidarity Corps. I’m very proud of her because she works with seniors and I’m sure creates many happy memories with them 🙂Days full of beautiful new places, delicious national dishes, and unique beauties inspired me to strive for new heights. These days dipped me into wonderful memories of our past travels. This trip reminded me how beautiful our world is and how many interesting things remain outside of our worldview.
I am grateful for the opportunity to volunteer outside of my home country and explore such beautiful places!
Sunny Madrid, Spain

2021 is slowly coming to its logical end,
and I hope that December will bring new exciting activities and events. In addition, I want to mention that I am really looking forward to on-arrival training because this is my fourth month in Bulgaria and it would be great to meet other volunteers from all over Bulgaria to share our thoughts and maybe even some of the results of our volunteer work.That is all from my side so far, but there are more fascinating stories to come about my volunteer life in Bulgaria. Let’s be open-minded, hard-working and positive, then I believe we could handle all the challenges and create some more amazing memories.
xoxo Oksana
The Youth Spot Bulgaria is funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.