
Шест учебни заведения носители на титлата “Най-активно училище в България 2022”

Над 700 училища и детски градини от цяла България участваха в инициативата за насърчаване на спорта, физическата активност и здравословния начин на живот сред учениците – Ден на спорта в училище

Шест учебни заведения носители на титлата “Най-активно училище в България 2022” Read More »

Physical activity is not composed of attending gym

Have you ever been to a place that you feel you don’t belong to?

The figures of WHO reveal that approximately 6% of all deaths globally are caused because of physical activity scarcity, while this percentage seems to be sluggishly increasing each year and entailing more diseases directly or implicitly connected with sedentary lifestyles. An upturn in medical studies, as well as technological leap witnessed the previous century, was

Have you ever been to a place that you feel you don’t belong to? Read More »

Make Bulgaria move! Volunteers introduce NowWeMove campaign and MOVEWeek

78% of Bulgarians never exercise or do sports. This is the shocking result of a survey which proves that Bulgaria is the least active country of whole Europe. Physical inactivity causes not only diseases and premature death, for example it’s also quite expensive for health insurances. To fight physical inactivity ISCA launched the NowWeMove campaign

Make Bulgaria move! Volunteers introduce NowWeMove campaign and MOVEWeek Read More »

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